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來美國一年了。一年前,我在開學前兩個月就忍不住先來報到( 用B1簽證,等開學前一個月才再使用F1入境)。




1. 準備文件:要有六點,護照+I20 算3點,學生證+成績單,銀行提款卡這些也都算。如果沒有SSN,要到International Students and Scholars Services 去申請"Request for Status"會拿到一封信證明你沒有申請SSN的資格,拿著這封信到Social Security Office辦理,會拿到一張無法發給你SSN的信。

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"窮人和富人不同之處:窮人沒有想成為有錢人的野心"-- FROM 讓錢自己流進來




1.工作:和諧 專業 自信 主管職 (PROSPEROUS AND ABUNDANT)

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Here are my resolutions for the year of 2010:

Workwise:Get license,Promote credit card:20


3/14 內控(DONE)

4/18 外幣保單

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Dear M



我覺得 說實在話看了很漂亮沒錯 可是拿來擺在自己的桌面好像也沒什麼意義


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Dear  God,

Was that you who gave me  the challenge today?  What goes around comes around.  I was trapped in this delimma where your friend can be your enemy in disguise.  I hate to confront with others or to hurt people intentionally.  Has this become my weakness?  Coz I feel I have fallen into a point of powerlessness.  No one is on my side.  Was this the challenge you gave me?

What can I do to live a prosperous, stable life?  "Prosperosus" and "Abundant".


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Dear God,

  I am sad that the paryer session doesn't last long.  Was it a sign of me being too busy?

  I sometimes grumble in mind that can you be more powerful, can you help me to be smart and efficient and release me from that heavy

loaded work. But I got disappointed.  And just like that...a year ended. 

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Dear God,

  Thank you for the good times I had on the weekends.  I am back to work today and feel normal even after the betrayal.

  I messed up ...a little in the office today...not totally me but mostly me and went behind schedule a lot today.

  Dear God, is there a way I could catch up?

  I am reaching my limit of being strong.  Can I rely on you? Is it going to be a helping hand?

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Dear  God,

Have I really been left out? 

This never happens in my life before.  What's wrong with me? 

 or what's wrong with them?

I am always true to others.   Is it no longer the creed for treating people or to be precise the people you work with?

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Dear God,

I woke up this morning and found myself being so happy and grateful.

Thank you for letting me having a family that loves me so much.   My grandma even got up to prepare noodles for me.

But God, I am so afraid of not being able to handle my job today.  I am so afraid of making mistakes.

Please help me and be with me.  

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Dear God,

Please help me to know more about you, your character and your words.  Please reveal more of you to me. 

Please help me to believe that I am worthy of your love and that you will be with me and help me in my work.

Just like you did to the Isarelites. 

P.S.  It is in my culture that modesty is a very important virtue.  My people value modesty so much that when we do good deeds or perform well, we do not even dare to accept compliments openly.   We call it "showing off" when someone actually jumps out for the credit.   But you want your followers to glorify your name?  Why is that important?  If you are so good, people would know effortlessly. 

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It all started in one autumn morning casual talk with my cousin. 

I got the message of a English bible study lesson near my place and thus started my Sunday morning  church visiting.  I started as a noe-believer, a challenger (which I still am now), and a narrow-minder.  Week after week, debate after debate, the Christian God has gradually occupied my heart.  So I started to question myself, why not give it a try , to be more open-minded and establish this relationship?

I knew there was God, but in my culture, my upbrining, there was Godess Ma Zhu, who always gave me comforting instructions when I asked.  It was like cheating on her when I tried to establish this relationship with God so things were tough for me in the beginning.  But  with the gentle encouragement of my bible teacher, a good friend as well, I started my journey of quest.  She said if you had doubts, why not pray, why not ask God and see what he has to answer.

While I was walking my dog this morning, with fear for the days unknown challenge ahead at work,  I tried to ask him some questions.  Suddenly, this idea popped up.  Since I love writing and want to keep writing as a habit, why not write about my dobts and thoughts or inspirations I got? Looking familiar? It is kind of like Julie in the movie "Julie and Julia" just that my mentor is God and I have nothing to cook except my burning doubts for life, love, money...etc. 

So I will try to write down my prayer and keep it original, short and as interesting as possible.  But you have to forgive me since humor is a whole new class that I just start learning. 

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    今天看了EMBA雜誌,發現有個不錯的觀念:Feedforward, not feedback。



   根據作者的觀念,如果等到做錯後再說,等於你一直在等待錯誤的出現,反而更容易引起錯誤。(似乎也符合吸引力法則所說的) 但我一直認為在錯誤發生的當下說出錯誤的原因,和正確的方法,更能讓犯錯的人印象深刻,從而避免再次發生。


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  除了稽核檢查外,另外一件轟轟烈烈的大事就是下周有新客戶要跟我們合作了。前置從文件準備、客戶資料查詢、電腦資料登打,都是在我們時間外才能做的,which means 下星期有班可加了。不過,有生意上門,還是件值得高興的事情。

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我們的心有超乎我們想像的力量。只要我們不斷的、 強烈的渴望,宇宙會有方式回應我們的需求。

"Your wish is my command "--宇宙像神燈精靈,主人的需求就是他的目標。

"If you've been there on the mind, you'll go there on the body" 心智到達的地方,身體也會到達


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